"if anyone can coax the Gaga Vagina out it's DonJon, " Harry Martini.
Chelsea Hotel (MP) - Government sources have confirmed that DonJonVonavich, Eccentric Publisher of Moloch the Plutocracy and Chairman of the Certified Vagina Whisperer Association (CVWA), has been engaged to resolve the Lady Gaga vagina controversy. Reports have been circulating that America's latest Pop Sexsation actually has a penis. An embarrassment that would threaten the delicate balance of world pop culture power. DonJon is the countries leading Certified Vagina Whisperer licensed to "practice his love with women" worldwide.
The recent report that Lady Gaga asked Boy George to sign her vagina has caused concern, "This is a matter of national security that must be handle delicately," states Janet "Little Napoleon" Napolitano, Secretary of Homeland Security, "We don't feel Boy George is not the man... or person for the job."
DonJon has been under suspcion by Homeland Security for un-American activities and is concerned they are using this as a ploy to locate him. "DonJon is happy to render his services to our great country, but would require certain precautions," confirmed Harry Martini, DonJon's Publicist, adding, "If anyone can coax the Gaga vagina out it's DonJon."
TV.com: http://www.tv.com/lady-gaga-ask-boy-george-to-sign-her-vagina/webnews/53121.html#
Gawker: http://gawker.com/5474008/lady-gagas-vagina-almost-fooled-us-into-forgetting-about-her-penis